Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Gotcha Day!!!

When we got to the building Lexi was already there along with two other babies.  They brought the three families in, we had to sign some papers and make sure they had our names and address was correct, all the while you could hear a baby just wailing in the other room.  All the families were saying they hoped it was not there baby,  Welllll it wasn't there baby it was ours!!!  They came out and tole our guide that Lexi is afraid of strangers and will cry or hide when they are around.

Lexi did snuggle up to me but would not go to anyone else and still kept crying and occasionally would stop and look around to see what was going on clinging to me all the time.  When the staff from her SWI came in to talk with she would look at them and follow them around but did not offer to go to them or act like she wanted them.

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